Happy Hallowe'en!

It's Hallowe'en!!! And what better way to spend it that finding a trick or treat in the mailbox?
Our good friend Dave over at Indians baseball cards. Always. offered to send out tricks or treats to those who asked. Hey! Free cards! I'm in.
I received this little beauty today. I was secretly hoping for the evil clown in the bottom row,(you all know how I feel about clowns... I love me some clown) but who can argue with the simplicity of the pumpkin?
What did I find inside???
5 Ryan Klesko cards. I loved that guy. You always knew two things when he played.
One, he was giving 120% on every play.
Two, he was never gonna get "caught looking" at the plate.
6 Jeff Blauser cards. One of my favourite Braves from back in the day. He had an autographed picture hung in his locker during his playing days. It was personalized; "Blaus, you're the best! Your pal, Jeff"
Yes. That's right. It was a picture of himself.
7 Javy Lopez
9 Crime Dog
7 Andruw Jones
2 Chipper
1 Dale Murphy - Why the hell is this man not in the Hall of Fame???? Tell me. Anyone.
1 Hammerin' Hank

1 Bob Horner 1987 mini, glossy, league leader something or other that I haven't figured out yet...
and 119 more wonderful Braves that I don't have the bandwidth to scan, but are nonetheless remarable in their own way. It was an absolute blast going through and remembering guys who I haven't seen in a long time. Old favourites, and guys who were there only long enough to have their picture taken.
Thanks Dave!!!