NFL merry-go-round

Kansas City gets a starting QB and starting linebacker for a 2nd round pick. The Chiefs acquire Matt Cassel and Mike Vrabel for a pick.
Great move. A horrid team gets two starters, two leaders for their team. Nice to see KC trying to win this year. (well, 5 or 6 games anyway) This has far more value than what they would have received with the 35th pick.
New England, caught in a can't win scenario, gets a valuble high 2nd round pick in a lose-lose position. And valuble cap space. The pick will get them a starter, probably on the line or DB.

Dallas acquires a solid backup QB for Tony Romo. The Cowboys get John Kitna from Detroit for starting CB Anthony Henry.
Puzzling. Dallas needs a quality backup QB after waiving Brad Johnson last week. Kitna fills that role nicely. A quality guy in the locker room too, something lacking in Big D. But one of the weakness' of Dallas last year was their depth at DB.... trading a starter and hoping last years rookies fill in where they couldn't last season.... well, an interesting move. Time will tell.
Dallas also signed LB Keith Brooking. It looks like Zach Thomas will not be back, and the Ray Lewis rumours are just that.

Denver is loading up on defense. And offense. Brian Dawkins from Philly, Darryl Reid from Indy, Renaldo Hill from Miami all vastly improve an awful defense. Jabar Gaffney, JJ Arrington, Lonnie Paxton on offense.
New coach Josh McDaniels is not wasting anytime retooling an underperforming team.

The NFL season looks like an interesting one. Teams are not sitting around complacently.

Oh. And Dan Snyder is still an idiot. DeAngelo Hall? Really? The QB's in the NFC East rejoice.

this just in...

Braves prized free agent pickup David Ross has just hit a two run homer against Roy Oswalt and the Houston Astros.
It's nice that David got this out of the way in Spring Training... now he doesn't have to worry about hitting his one homer a year in the regular season. Less pressure for sure.

Braves ownership is so pleased, they've informed Frank to trade Brian McCann to Oakland as the player to be named later in the earlier Joey Devine deal.

Another crossed off my list, and my first 2009 sighting...

Today's mail comes from Greg at Night Owl Cards. Greg was kind enough to send me a three card bonanza.
First, a card from my wantlist. A 2008 Allen & Ginter Jake Peavy. Nice. Only 11 more cards to go to complete this sucker.
Next, a 2008 Topps Gregor Blanco rookie.
and my very first 2009 card. Canada should be getting these around the May long weekend, so it was nice to see one in person.

Figures it had to be him. Well, Greg's heart was in the right place. If only John was.
Thanks Greg... as usual, I have some Dodgers saved (for you, and GCRL)... they'll go out soon.

My team isn't the only one that's completely screwed up...

This just in.

The Minnesota Vikings are near a deal to acquire Sage Rosenfels from the Houston Texans.
See? It's not just the Braves front office that has no clue.

Seriously, what options do the Vikings have? Kerry Collins is available. A dependable, viable starter for a year... maybe two. Kurt Warner is a UFA. Awesome. But if he doesn't retire... he'd be a fool not to resign with Arizona. Mark Brunell? I think he's shell shocked from too many years behind that St Louis line... T Jack? Nice upside. For a running back...
Michael Vick? Dear lord, no.

Hmmm.... maybe Rosenfels might work out after all..... *snicker*

Good luck Viking fans..... you'll need it.

The only baseball I'll even speak about right now....

It's gaining momentum... the premier Goose Joak baseball card set. The latest entries? I'm glad you asked...
One of the better moves this off season, re-signing one of baseball's best pinch hitters.

Greg Norton
Greg played simply awesome last season. Let's hope for more of the same this year.

And one of the kids. CF Josh Anderson.
Josh should've been getting his shot this year. He's not. And I don't want to talk about it.
Do they really think our farm system is no better than a no glove 37 year old???

Time for change...

As a further aside to my previous post. I must say that I have never been a big Griffey Jr. fan. I never saw what all the hype was about. A sometime home run hitter who was below average defensively, and could never play a full season without getting hurt.

However. A lot of people loved the guy. He created fan excitement. I wanted that for the Braves. I wanted a big name free agent to say.."Atlanta is where I want to be." But no.

I am always the guy who is saying, "give the kids a chance, don't trade youth for old vets" Remember the tantrum I threw when we acquired Vasquez???
Anyways. I look forward to seeing Blanco, Shaffer, Anderson, etc... show what they got.

Until then. Until I get to see something exciting, and completely baseball game related, I will abstain. I was going to post a box break of Marvel Masterpieces, or 2007 Traks Nascar. However, dayf is on his own tirade. So, in true Canuck style, I give you a FatRackBlisterPack of 2008/09 O Pee Chee Hockey.
The base cards are okay. Nice big picture, team logo, and position. I kinda wish they had made the brand name a little smaller though. It's retro. We get it.
The backs, however, leave a lot to be desired.

A birthdate? Birthplace? Height? Weight? Favourite colour? Beuller?
In each pack, there is a retro card. Based on the '79/80 OPC design...

I also got a 1st All Star insert of Nicklas Lidstrom... oooohh... shiny!

Not bad. Although at 600 cards, I may not collect this one...... yet.

It's all my fault...

over this past weekend, and Monday as well, I spent about 5 total hours working on my new photoshop program. I wasn't working on the new Goose Joak set that I'm lucky enough to be involved in. Those cards are easy compared to the project I had taken on.

Armed with my Photoshop 7 for Dummies book, and an '89 Upper Deck Ken Griffey Jr. card, I spent 4 to 5 hours turning that card into a brand new '09 Ken Griffey Jr in a Braves uniform. When I was done, I was very proud of my efforts. It was not like anythin Topps does. You really could not tell that it wasn't supposed to be that way.

I was ready. Ready to post it proudly after the announcement.
When I got home last night, I read the announcement.

Then I deleted my work that I was so proud of.

I'm beginning to really hate the offseason.

the anonymousisity of strangers...

there was another package in the mail today. Well, two actually, but we'll save one for another time. It's the first one of which we must speak about.

The postmark said Bellevue, Washington. but no return address. I've addressed this before. I love getting cards in the mail. Love it. But please let me know who you are so I can recipricate or at least say a proper thank you.

Card #1, a 2008 Bowman Sterling Auto of Jeff Locke. Jeff went 7-1 in Danville in '07, and will surely make it to the bigs soon enough.
He's a lefty, and he's still breathing. A virtual lock for the majors. (see what I did there? A "lock"??? Thanks you, I'll be here all week)

Next up is a 2008 Topps Heritage Hi# SP All Star of Big Mac, Brian McCann.
You can't really tell by the scan, but what a horrid job of photoshopping by Topps. The letters are drawn on by crayon or something... why did they need to photoshop McCann???? Couldn't find a picture of him wearing the only professional jersey he's ever worn?????!?!?!!?
Anyways, I digress.... Thank you Mr or Mrs Bellevue Washington!
(and yes, anonymousisity is a word)

The strangest places...

I just got back from the grocery store. Safeway is a pretty safe place away from cards. No risk of accidently going down the card aisle and ending up buying a blaster of Documentary or other such foolishness. Bread, Milk, Pies, Pizza... you know... the necessities.

I pick up some grapes, apples, the peaches look horrid, so I go for a bag of oranges. When I get home, I find this inside the little mesh bag.
Upon opening, I find this inside.
What the hell is Matt Stajan doing inside my 5lb bag of oranges?
The back makes for a rather odd read......

Fruit trivia. Not exactly what I'd want on my card... but it's unique.
I also notice that there's 10 cards to this set. What chance does anyone have to complete this set? 50lbs of oranges later, with no duplicates? Yeaaaahhhh..... riiiiigghtt....
Could I even find the Jarome Iginla on ebay? I don't think so. What's next? Little cards in packages of tobacco?

Twas the night before Spring Training...

with a hat tip to Lucas Brown and Baseball Almanac....

Twas the night before Spring Training, when all through the clubhouse
Not a creature was stirring, except the managers.
The uniforms were hung in the lockers with care,
In hopes that the season soon would be there.

The rookies were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of the Big League danced in their heads.
And Nuke in his garter, and Crash in his cap,
Had just been rewound before the players' nap.

When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
Cy Young was the pitcher, and Babe Ruth was the batter.
Away to the window the players all flew,
To see the ghosts on the evening dew.

Shoeless Joe was in left on that moonlit night,
Who was on second, oh wait, that's not right.
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
Mighty Casey with a bat drawing near.

"Now Mickey! now, Willie! Now, Hammerin' Hank!
On, Harmon! On, Reggie! on, Maris and Frank!
To the top of the leader boards! to the top of the Hall!
Show the young rookies how to play ball!"

They all admire the slugger named Roy
As he steps to the plate with his bat, Wonderboy.
They'll pass him on the street, a tip of the hat they will give,
'There goes the greatest player that ever lived."

The rookies' eyes will twinkle in their first at-bat.
The veterans will calm them and give them a pat.
For it is only spring training with so much to do,
Preparation for a season, a career to pursue.

The young ones will play their best through the spring,
With hopes of making the 40-man team.
They'll play their careers 'til they finally say,
"Tell them I'm through for love of the game."

One more day!!!!!!!

Soon Derek.... soon....

It started innocently enough.
A gentle warning....

But then, it was escalated...
I'm not sure she knows what she's got herself into....

Soon Derek. Not yet.... but soon.

Yummy Sticker Sweetness...

My good friend John from The Pursuit of 80's, among other blogs, has sent me the mail day to end all mail days. The last thing I sent him turned into some sort of shrine, and he wanted to return the favour I guess. He succeeded.
What you are looking at is a 12"x16" glossy 96 page sticker book. This thing is huge! And Shiny!
There is a section for every Premier League team as well as All Star pages and tonnes more... It took me over an hour to read everything.... and I haven't got any stickers yet..... or do I????

John sent a few packets of stickers to get me started....
I'm gonna be busy for awhile... not to mention trying to hide it from everyone else in the house. Everyone loves stickers!!!
Now I must go troll the 'bay for a box of these things....
I. Must. Complete. This. Set.

See Upper Deck???

A card of Kelly Johnson..... with a picture of ... KELLY JOHNSON! It's not hard to do at all.

I just don't understand how it can be this difficult.

Team name? Check.
Player name? Check.
Spellcheck? Double check.
Correct Player Photo??!?!???!??! Check.

Read and learn Upper Deck.... Read and learn.....


Today I finally got around to going to the Post Office. Those packages that have been sitting on my desk for over a week have left for greener pastures.

If you were expecting one from me... (dayf, Scott @ Hand Collated, Mike @ Addicted, and a few more that escape me right now) they're on their way!


The new stuff is out. Everybody is going crazy. Yadda yadda yadda.... I decided to wait on Topps, and maybe pick up a box of Upper Deck. I'm collecting the '08 football, and the '08/09 Hockey, so why not?
This is why not!
I first saw this on Automatic for the People... thought it might be a fluke.... went trolling on the 'bay, and found this....
This is why you don't have sticker autos!!!! If you can't hire anybody who has actually watched a ballgame in their lives to be able to tell the difference between ball players.... at least the player could say," uh.... fuckwit? you sent me the wrong cards to sign...."

Braves one step closer to another division title...

The Braves took a big step towards another Division Championship today as the Mets signed pitcher Elmer Dessens to a contract.

More moves like this, and a World Series berth will be within reach....

In a group box break mood?

Head on over to I am Joe Collector and sign up for one of his group breaks coming up...
3 boxes each of 2008 Playoff Contenders Baseball and 2008 Playoff Contenders Football.

These are always good... I haven't really seen much of these cards as I don't usually buy the high end stuff. This is a good chance to get in fairly affordably.

BlogWars... the Beginning

For those of you who weren't there...(quite a few of you were), Suzy and Marie from A Cardboard Problem held a live Topps 2009 Jumbo case break on their blog this afternoon. Promises of pictures, Q&A, and laughter were made. Fun was to be had by all.........
They thought it would be fun to withhold certain hits from viewing. mainly, the Braves. Threats were made. A call of a cage match was suggested. They continued to snicker... safely tucked away in the solitude of their lair.
I took a stand. On behalf of Braves fans everywhere. We will not be held hostage to the whims of Yankee fans any longer!

I give you.... a Derek Jeter rookie. Intact. For now.

It's funny what a hole punch can do to micro foil......
Heck, why not cut off his whole head?

That was shockingly mean you say! Derek should be comfortable. Not headless. Okay, let's put him at ease then.

In a dress... fitting for a diva, don't you think???
Game on ladies.... Game on!

Surprise, unannounced insert???

A seller I buy from on the 'bay busted open two cases of '09 Upper Deck, and had this listed in one of his auctions...

Anybody see anything on the sell sheets about this?

The world should be coming to an end....

but unfortunately, it's true.

read. laugh. cry.

working on a set that I can actually finish...

The latest Braves effort that I'll send over to Dave at Goose Joak for the 2009 all inclusive card set.
(my wife picked out the picture... I wanted one of him gunning someone out at the plate... she wanted one showing him from behind. We comprimised.)