What the hell? Canada dissed by MLB

Okay, so I'm late getting to this. I wasn't one of the 12 people who actually watched the All Star Game.
Apparently, during the opening festivities, Sheryl Crow came out and sang the American national anthem. But they played some cassette tape instrumental version of the Canadian anthem. This, does not sit well with me. Or anybody else around these parts.

Here's Justin Morneau: "I wasn't very impressed with that to tell you the truth. You figure they could find somebody to come and sing the song. They have a hockey team here, the Canadian teams play here. It's something that didn't really go over too well. I think if it happened the other way around, if they were playing in Toronto and they did that, it would have been a lot bigger deal. But nothing you can do about it."

Jason Bay was a little more diplomatic: (T)hey just played a recording of the Canadian National Anthem instead of having somebody come in and sing it. That seemed strange, that they couldn’t find anybody in St. Louis who knew “Oh Canada.” Morneau and I could have done it if they really needed somebody.

Now I realize that maybe three people in all of Canada watched the damn game, but still... do we need to start an international incident? The last I checked, the American anthem is sung at Blue Jay games....

Nice to know where MLB stands... well done Mr Selig. Idiot.