Mailed Stats

So I haven't posted anything since Tuesday. Anything happen while I was gone? Any news? Anything worth chatting about? No? Didn't think so.
What we have today is the latest offerings from Stats on the Back. A lot of you signed up for the great giveaway Mark had going on... let's see what he sent.
First, there was a note apologizing that his package was so small.
Knowing that quite a few kids read this blog, I'm just going to let that slide and leave it at that.
He also made a comment about the Braves, but again, I won't repeat that here. Use your imagination.

Star cards! I love minor league team sets. Unfortunately, where I live, these are super scarce.
A couple cards from 1988...

and into 1989...

I don't think any of these guys except one made it to the show.
all Brian had to do was beat out Jody Davis or Damon Berryhill.... doesn't say a lot about Brian, does it?

I wonder if Paul ever met Candy?

Al made it to the bigs.... it must've been the glasses.
if you had asked me who Therron Todd played for, I would've said the Red Wings.

Mark also sent some '70's goodness.
My very first 1974 cards!
love these uni's!
I wondr what that stain is on Roric?

and I love these multi dude rookie cards. I know a lot of you don't. I do. My blog. My rules.
Apparently, Mark knew I was working on my 1972 Braves team set...
now I have my first double. (trade bait!)
But he added a card I needed!
Awesome. I wonder when photographers learned about back lighting and overexposure?
Was that in '76?
And finally we have Bob Didier.
LOVE that All Star Rookie Cup/Trophy!
Thanks Mark!