a lot going on...

So today's headlines include;

Mariano Rivera caught cheating. Meh. It's not like MLB and Bud Selig will do anything about it. He is a Yankee after all. And the Yankees are beyond reproach. All Hail the ESPN/Fox gods, the Yankees!

The Los Angeles Dodgers have completely forgotten how to pitch. The Trolley boys should have traded for some of the Bravos pitching. What a team that would be!

Manny Acta, who was completely incapable of managing the worst team in baseball, and was fired from same in July (Nationals) is a finalist for the Cleveland Indians post. This is something that the NFL has learned. You can't just keep recycling the same old crap. (I'm looking at you Dusty and Lou) Look outside the box. Minor leagues. College. Peru. It don't matter. Just leave the has beens alone.

David Pearson was not elected to the inaugural class of the NASCAR Hal of Fame. I call shenanigans. For those of you who are not familiar with NASCAR, David Pearson is the best driver that there ever was. Think Babe Ruth. Can you imagine Cooperstown without Babe Ruth?

if I can think of anyone else to annoy, I'll be back with an update