The Red, White, and Blue are through!

The Nederlands are through to the semi-finals after defeating Brazil 2-1 earlier today. The Dutch were full marks for the win... taking the play to Brazil the entire second half, scoring twice.

Brazil showed their temper in the second half... and a rather classless ending as they and their coach declined to shake hands after the match. They've been watching the Italians apparently.

And what a pleasure it is to be able to watch entire matches without poor officiating. Since the end of the knockout round, top notch officiating with no controversy. Amazing.

Kudos to the Japanese referee in today's match, who kept control while NOT issuing 32 yellow cards as we saw in the preliminaries. Good thing for Brazil as well, or they might've finished the match with 5 or 6 players with all of the fouls they committed.

Uraguay vs Ghana in the afternoon match...