Random Numbers

2500 - as in number of career wins for Bobby Cox after the Braves won the other day. When asked about it, Bobby replied, "wow. I never thought I'd live that long."

180 - as in the number of games in the storied rivalry of pro football's two oldest teams, The Chicago Bears and The Green Bay Packers. Coincidently, that's also the number of Yankees/Red Sox games that FOX/ESPN subject us to EVERY FREAKIN SEASON.

4 - as in the number of NHL players knocked out of action indefinitely because of concussions. And the preseason is only half over.

26 - as in the number of seasons George Blanda played pro football before retiring in 1975 at the age of 48. George passed away this week.

54,896 - as in the number of dollars Dallas rookie wide out Dez Bryant had to fork over to a Dallas steakhouse after taking his offensive line to dinner. That number does not, of course, include gratuity.

5 - as in the number of participants I have for the inaugural Just A Bit Offside's annual hockey fantasy league. I need more. Sign up HERE<---------