Vintage Generousness...

A little while ago (last year, but that wasn't that long ago...) Matt at Number 5 Type Collection held a contest. All you had to do was leave a comment stating three of your favourite defunct baseball teams. I listed the Milwaukee Braves, Montreal Expos, and the St Louis Browns. Well wouldn't ya know, I was one of five winners. (see what he did there? 5 winners? Bueller?)

Little did I know that Matt intended to send the winners actual vinatge cards. But that's just what he did. There is no end to the generousness (there's that word again) of most of the bloggers out there.

Let's get to the goodies....

A 1955 Jack Parks! It looks like somone tried to bite Jack down by his sig...
 1955 Topps Charlie White. Wouldn't you know it, I only had four '55 Topps Braves before this, and Charlie was one of them. What does that mean? It means one of you will be receiving this Charlie White in a future giveaway. Stay tuned, as they say...
 A 1956 Topps Andy Pafko, with a Play at the Plate in the background!
 1956 Topps Danny O'Connell, with A Play at Third Base in the background! (Not quite the same is it?)
 A 1956 Chuck Tanner. Well, most of him. Some enterprising previous owner cut 3 of the borders off.
 a 1954 Bowman Johnny Logan, again on the slimfast diet plan with all four borders trimmed off.
 And three 1972 Topps Montreal Expos. All borders intact, despite what my scanner is trying to tell you.

Boots Day! (I typed Booty Day.... wrong blog for that)
 John Bateman out in the school yard...
 and catcher John Boccabella thinking the photographer is an idiot for making him stand like a first baseman.
Thanks Matt!!!! You sir, rock.