I did it...

I said I'd get the first wave of packages in the (semi)Great Tradeaway out in the mail today and I did!
(well, okay, I said they'd be out yesterday, don't be picky)

So today, with two big bags stuffed with oversized bubble mailers, I set out to the post office.
$104.78 later, thirteen packages were loaded on the sled dogs and should be arriving to your door in about two weeks. (sorry, only John in the U.K got Airmail)

Thanks to;

Beardy (whose blog I can't remember for the life of me... sorry)
Shane from ShoeBox Legends
Jim from GarveyCeyRussellLopes
Greg from Night Owl Cards
Jeff from I Am Joe Collector
Duane from Democratic Roadkill
Andy from Off Centered Cards (although I don't think he's posting on that anymore...)
Dave from Cardboard Junkie
John from Pursuit of 80's

and a big thanks to readers;
Julie and Nick

be on the lookout... sled dogs on the way!

EDIT: if you sent me an email, and I haven't got back to you, or your name isn't listed... send me another email, or leave a comment here... (my email is a big crap fest right now...)

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