Playoff wager...

It's that special time of year. Spring. The time when a young man's thoughts turn to.... playoff hockey. Yeahhh baby!
No sport has a more intense, passionate playoffs than hockey. And nothing annoys a good Canadian lad more than some Yank thinking he knows more about his national sport than he does. (okay, our national sport is lacrosse, but I'm on a rant here...)

Shane, from Shoebox Legends, has thrown down the gauntlet. Crossed the line. Killed the rabbit. He let the Germans bomb Pearl Harbour.

Yes. That's right. He said the Boston Bruins would defeat the Montreal Canadiens in this years playoffs.
I know. What a buffoon. Anyways, I could not let him get away with it. I picked up the gauntlet, erased the line, performed CPR on the rabbit, and defeated the Germans, just like we did at Normandy and Vimy Ridge!

Take a look Shane... there it is...
Enjoy it. That's as close as you're going to get to it. You may as well send my new Topps Archives Montreal Forum Seat Relic my way now. Avoid the inevitable embarassment.
p.s. No rabbits were actually harmed in the making of this post...

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