pleasurable side effects...

Greg from Lake Effects Cards sent over a small package. Inside I found a stack of random Braves.
The first is a beautifully centered and sharp Brett Butler rookie card! You know how I know it's his rookie card? Simple. It's his first card. No '81's for Brett. And no. His '86 Topps cards are not considered rookies. Even if they had a stupid logo on them claiming they were. Stoopid MLB players association and their stoopid logos.
a 3D John Smoltz coming right at ya!
Tommy had better be on his game. There's no way Andruw is going to be able to see anything with that huge flag just behind 2nd base.
What is the fascination with gold?
A couple of die cuts of old friends

that's Mr Maddux to you....
a nice shiny All Star card of Big Bob Horner
and of course some Chippers...

love those framed cards...
these, and some others found their way into my collection. Thanks Greg!

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