Contest Update - Everyone Read!

Okay, for those of you who are rabid right now wondering, " what contest?!?, where?!?" Go HERE and follow the instructions carefully. Maybe finish reading this post first, so you can avoid the same pitfalls.

Apparently, the whole lowest seeded team always plays the highest seeded team is way too confusing. Or my rather feeble grasp of the Queen's English isn't as deft as I once thought.
No matter. There are mistakes to be fixed! Out of 30 entrants, there were 6 screw ups. Pay Attention. This means you.

Vikes over Philly
Arizona over Saints
Vikes over Arizona to go to the SB

well, in your scenario, the Vikes will first play Arizona, and Philly will travel to New Orleans. The winner of those two will play to go to the SB. So I need those three games picked.

Chuck's Used Cards - you wrote
Vikes over Philly
Saints over Packers
Vikes over Saints

I'll assume you meant Vikes over Packers, Saints over Philly, and then Vikes over Saints. But, you also wrote
Chargers over Jets
Indy over Patriots
Indy over Chargers

Again, I'll assume you meant Indy over Jets, Chargers over Patriots, and Indy over Chargers. I just need you to confirm these please.

David, you wrote FIXED - THANK YOU
Dallas over Vikings (which is fine)
Saints over Arizona (which is fine) but then you wrote
Dallas over Arizona
I'll assume you meant Dallas over Saints.
ALSO, you wrote
Patriots over Ravens (fine)
Cincy over Jets (fine)
Chargers over Cincy
Indy over Ravens (whom you had losing to the Pats)
Chargers over Indy
Did you mean Chargers over Patriots, and Indy over Cincy, for a final of Chargers over Indy??
Please repick those.

an easy one...
Chargers over Ravens
Indy over Cincy
Indy over Chargers
I'll assume you meant Indy over Ravens and Chargers over Cincy for a final of Indy over Chargers. Please confirm.

DREW ... oh drew....
Vikes over Packers
Saints over Dallas
you mean Vikes over Dallas and Saints over Packers?
Indy over Patriots
Jets over Chargers
Indy over Jets
in your scenario here, Indy will play the Jets, and the Chargers and Patriots will play. Those two winners will then play.
Repick those three games please.

Vikings over Arizona
Dallas over Saints
Dallas over Vikings

Dallas will play the Vikes first, then the Saints and Cardinals play, those two winners will face off.
Please repick, thanks.

Any questions, post 'em here. I'll extend the time limit of this evening until tomorrow morning to give people a chance to fix these. If you are not listed here, then you were fine.