at long last...

I was reading a post by Ed at Roll out the barrel in which he stated a desire for Dave Bush cards. I don't question such things. I understand. I had a couple of extra Brewer Wal Mart Black cards, including Mr Bush, and proposed a trade. I ended up with Jo-Jo and Tim, which you see here.

Ed also include this Heritage James Parr rookie that I needed for my team set. Thanks!
and a Chipper I didn't have! Turkey Red style...

But then it got interesting... I saw in Ed's "For Trade" list, that he had a card I've been wanting for a very long time. Since I first laid eyes on it, I knew it must be mine... but what did I have for trade? Think man, think! Wait! Remember this???
Way back in April, some ebay scammer sent me that.... now, will Ed want it? Why yes, yes he did. And in return, I got my card...

Thanks Ed.

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