Auto mania continued...

as a continuation of yesterday's post, here are some more autographs I grabbed from the same ebay seller.

Multi Olympic Gold Medal Winner Colleen Sostorics. $2.40 (yeah, this was just before the Olympics)
it was so nice, I tried it twice. $3.15 for this one. One of these will end up at the Hamiltonians house if she ever gets back to me.
Mart Turco for .99 cents. Marty doesn't get a lot of love in the collecting community. And that's a shame.
The card that got me on the auto spree in the first place? This Dion Phaneuf number right here.
I had decided that it was wrong that I didn't havea big Flame auto. Totally un-Calgary of me. Now I can't afford Jarome Iginla, so I decided to go after Miikka Kiprusoff, but apparently there are Miikka super collectors out there, as I lost every auction miserably. So I then set my sights on big bad Dion. $8.00 later, and he was mine. Seven hours after I had won the auction, it was announced that Dion was traded to Toronto. Yeah, my fault. It happens a lot to me.

I may not have nailed a Kipper auto, but I did snag this beauty....
.99 cents!!! These were going for over $40 at the card show I was at saturday.... I guess it's a good thing his name is Miikka and not Mako....

(I'm not letting go of that joke for a LONG time....)
and btw, if you haven't already, vote in the poll to the right. Coming up next, my last auto win from this seller, along with a little history lesson. Study hard, there may be a quiz later...