Takin' care o' business....

around 3 months ago or so... my good buddy Don Ortega put up a post showing off his latest acquisition. You all read My Past Time.... I Love It and know that the Wicked One spends at least 8 days a week shopping, looking for his next trade. Well, he put up a winner, and I bit.

Here is what I sent him.... LINK... go. read. but come back when you're done.

Back? Yeah, I sent over 150 '68's in NRMT condition... they were sweet. But Wicked wants to do the set, and I, never will, so it's a win/win.

A few days ago I received a package from FLA... and it was squishy. Oohhhh.... I know what it is!
Ripping it open, I found this...
Andruw Jones! The most dominant outfielder from 1998 to 2007. 10 straight Gold Gloves.
But wait.... what's that on the number?
Oh yeah baby! Signed, sealed and now, delivered.

Andruw is hitting over .300 and has 3 HR in 21 AB's so far this year.... too bad it's for the White Sox.
Thanks for the swap Wicked. Now I just gotta figure out how best to display this sucker....