It's mailing again.....

I got an email last week from John of NJ Devils Cards and Old School Breaks. He had lost my address and wanted it again. Sure, no prob.

This week, a small present arrived at my door. What goodies will be inside? With John, you never know... it's usually something obscure, just the way I like it.

Greg Maddux eX... my cropping skills on the rounded corners needs work...
A really shiny Warren Spahn. My scanner killed this card... I have never seen a card so wonderfully shiny...
A Finest Chipper. Aren't all Chippers Finest? They should be. And a Pox on Beardy and Motherscratcher for not considering the current batting champion and future first ballot Hall of Famer a star.... A POX!
I have the Auto Refractor of this card.... it's much shinier...

A Kelly auto... on card... very sweet!
some hockey to round things out.... A future Flame who just joined us this season, lit it up, and will now leave for a helluva lot more $$$$ to some other team in the fall...
and a jersey card of former Flame Chuck Kobasew... he's with Boston now. And we don't like Boston, now do we?

Thanks John! Always appreciated.

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