Before the Southside Mafia gets here...

Awhile back, okay... waaaaaayyyy long ago, I showed off some football cards that the Peoples Champ sent me.
No. Not that one. This one. All you need to know is written write here. Actually, he sounds a lot like Tommy Hanson. But I digress.

The Wicked One also sent over a few of his treasured autos. Now I've been meaning to post them, really I have. But my camera and I have our little disagreements. It's a thing. You may or may not understand. I finally convinced it to cooperate. I think. Maybe not.

Anyways, The Don has been bugging me to get these up for all to see. I had better before he sends some of his boys up here. If you do, dress warm bro, it's -21 here at noon today.

First up, Cleo Lemon, Super Mark Duper, and Tomas Vokoun.

and Olli Jokinen, Stephen Weiss, John Vanbiesbrouck and some dude I haven't had time to figure out who he is yet.

These are frickin' sweet! Sorry the pics are so crappy. Maybe my camera won this round after all.
Thanks Wicked! You da man!