The Problem With Sports

Want to know why I can't wait for football season to begin. The Sports Headlines. What are the top stories on

Of those 10 stories, how many of truly relate to what happens between the lines of a field of play? 4 have absolutely nothing to do with any game that will be played anytime soon (4, 5, 6, 9). 1 has to do with a player trying to leverage a team for more money and less training camp (1). 2 have something to do with an event that will occur tonight, but one of those two involves a circus having little to do with the swinging of a bat at this point (2, 3). 1 involves more doping violations in a sport no one actually watches (8). And the last two relate to player status which are actually pretty relevant and meaningful to the actual sport somewhat (7, 10). So by my count, at most half of the stories that ESPN feels important this late July game have nothing to actually do with the second letter of their name besides the fact that the people who are involved with them participate/did participate at one time in sports. Either ESPN could just care less about games (a valid point) or there is just nothing truly interesting happening. I can't wait to hear hike. I'm so tired of this trash.

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