If You Were Wondering

If you were wondering why today's article was shorter than normal and why I am worried about getting 2-3 hours of research done for tomorrow's article alone, look no further than the fact that NCAA Football 08 has been released. The reviews are poring in disappointingly very slowly likely because the new and (apparently) horrible E3 was last week. When it was held in May, that show was where most everything that would be in that year's game would be revealed to the public along with Madden. This year? Nothing about either really. The only currently posted review I could find was 1up.com - 8.5/10, where they as expected said to get the Xbox 360 version if you can. EA would not even send them a copy of the PS3 version, which has been considered to be the inferior edition for some time. For one, it runs at half the framerate. For two, it supposedly EA is simply having problems working with the cell processor of the PS3.

If you find any review as you search about the Internet in the next few days send them to me if you would like and I'll post them here. Or heck, write your own and if its not horrible I can post it here. But for now, I must be off. UK's roster is not going to name itself...

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