By July 5th

Look for the last installment of the NBA Sophomore Class Top 10 as they engage in the most brutal of sporting events for the #5 spot. Hell in a Cell!

Once Again: Best Ever, Will Fight.

Other than that you can look forward to maybe a couple random updates. It won't be a busy day on the site due to the Holiday.

In addition, to anyone out there reading this blog, if you would like to contribute sports related articles either jocular or serious in nature to this site please e-mail me at as I am looking to add new voices to the site and at this point I need people to write about topic in the world of athletics.

Since the Ultimate Warrior was on Hannity and Colmes attacking like a crackhead today, I'm out on this...

"Should I lay on the lawn and let them run me over with lawnmowers!?"

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