The SEC Round-Up

I am attempting to become a writer/worker for a website specializing in a subject near and dear to my heart, University of Kentucky sports. I wrote this piece as a try-out piece from them. Each of the little entries related to an article from various webpages. I can't easily translate those links from word though so they will remain MIA. I just wanted to update everyone on what I am up to though. Enjoy.

The SEC Round-Up

Let’s go around the southeast and see what’s up this weekend.

General News -

Everyone appears to think the world is coming to an end because kick-offs moved back the immeasurable distance of… 5 yards.

The media votes are in. Who will be your next All-SEC pre-season players and team champions?

Alabama –

LSU is busy pretending that the game against the Fightin’ Nick Sabans is no big deal.

The top offensive lineman in Alabama agrees to play for Nick the Slick.

What do King Saban’s players have to say about this year’s team?

Basketball coach Mark Gottfried is busy help coach team USA at the Pan-American games.

Arkansas –

Houston Nutt is still unable to escape the biggest 10 win disaster of his career.

What did the reporters down in Arkansas think was important during SEC Media day?

It appears by the poll on this page that Arkansas is not too excited about the Kentucky football game.

Auburn –

I have go to learn how I can get a scholarship to practice basketball in Cancun like Auburn’s squad.

This Auburn newspaper blogger does not have a very opinion of Andre Woodson or pre-season All-SEC selections.

What do the local Auburn students think about the upcoming football season?

Florida –

What are the Florida students writing about Steve Superior now?

Urban Meyer loves throwing out great new ideas like, every game is tough.

It also appears the Tim Tebow may not be Florida’s leading rusher this season.

Proof that our long statewide nightmare is finally over.

Georgia –

With the summer being slow, Georgia’s Student Newspaper covers the only football available.
Georgia Basketball enters the 21st century by starting the process of draining what cash is left in their fans pockets.

Skinny Old Georgian Fred Gibson was cut from the Falcons, but one time 19th year senior D.J. Shockley remains.


The Tigers won’t hear any pads popping until August the 8th.

Have no fear, LSU is quickly moving to bring a new deadly caged animal into their fold.

It appears Brandon Bass and Glen Davis, who couldn’t stop Chuck Hayes, are doing well in the NBA summer league.

Mississippi State –

I usually like to have heard of a team’s media day representative.

Jacob Tamme better watch out, a MSU TE is gunning for him.

Some people think it’s time to drop Croom and don’t mind saying so.

South Carolina –

Superior stumbled off the golf course long enough of to hit on housewives for charity.

It turns out South Carolina has been playing basketball for 100 years. No mention of the word good.

It appears voluntary like in most football programs means anything but.

Tennessee –

News of the ironies of college sports has begun to seep into Knoxville now apparently.

Trouble and Tennessee. It’s alliteration, It has to go together,
One national championship doesn’t buy you a job for life. Just ask Fulmer.

Tennessee basketball writers apparently did not take kindly to Chris Lofton not making the trip to the Pan Am Games.

Vanderbilt –

Try to guess the one Vanderbilt team that went to visit the White House.

At least being a Vandy fan won’t require you to get a loan.

Vandy basketball, much like UK, is still recruiting and signing for the upcoming season.

If you build it, maybe you can charge half what UK does for tickets. New Vandy Stadium?

Now, let’s move on to the only topic that really matter. Your University of Kentucky Wildcats/Fightin’ Gillispies.

-Of all the events that have occurred in the last week surrounding the University, the most important of any of them by far is the soda switch. The repercussions of moving from Pepsi to Coke will have far reaching effects that will be felt for decades to come inside the Athletics Department. I can see some recruit becoming leery of a University that cannot even pick a soda company. We don’t need any flip-floppers around here to bring as down while everything is looking up.

-In less important news, the basketball team’s schedule was released to much hoopla despite the fact is basically the same as every years for most intensive purposes. I still can’t shake the feeling though that it just seems a little weaker than it has the last couple of years. Maybe its just because all of the sudden playing in the SEC doesn’t mean having to play a team with an all lottery pick front court twice a year.

-The local UK beat reporter’s take on the recent SEC media days.

-I hate that the UK vs. Louisville was moved to the third game this season, but according to all the people that insisted or fought the move, it is still an important game. Early September will never be the same again.

-Get ready for all the upcoming UK football events this summer.

-Old Chip Cosby is back to break down UK’s schedule. Since, of course, no one has already done that anywhere else and it’s not an obvious thing…

-33 days till kickoff. Too bad UK couldn’t be bothered to play that one game that always excited everyone for months leading up to it. Oh well, EKU sure will be a blast. Just like reading a Peter King colonoscopy column. So get your depth chart memorized.
Until tomorrow, this was Tim Riley brining you all the news from around the SEC. Oh, and this…

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