The Sports Drought Briefly Relents

Two good stories this afternoon to report.

#1 UCLA researchers today have a released a report that states the shocking news that, "Women are predisposed to prefer muscularity in men." I know this may be throwing your entire world into a state of confusion. Don't these type of women:

Tom Brady: Better American Than George Washington and Toby Keith Combined

Prefer these kinds of guys:

The back should read, "Now I'm Into Bulimia"

Apparently not according to the study. The only glimmer of hope is that:

Frederick and colleagues also asked 141 college women to look at six standardized silhouettes of men ranging from brawny to slender. Most preferred a toned man who was more likely to commit over a muscle-bound man they perceived as more volatile, aggressive and dominant.

So after their copy of the Kama Sutra is tattered to pieces, and they need someone to take the garbage out, if you're extremely toned, if not overly muscular, you may have a shot. VICTORY!

#2 Chris Sheridan in one of his Insider Articles (I don't want to link or post the text since its a pay thing and it really doesn't matter for understanding it at all in this case) that the Cox Pavilion where the NBA is holding their summer league games only has one restroom facility in the entire building and no locker rooms.

What does this mean for you? It means that as you stand at the urinal Greg Oden could walk up next to and give you some comfortable shade from the Vegas heat. Actually, its more likely to happen than not. Old people have to go the bathroom alot.

Greg Oden is old

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