The Real American Heroes

American Gladiators is one of the greatest shows in the history of this nation. I am here today to experience it's greatness once again as it is good enough to be aired extremely late at night on a premium cable station. Let's get moving.

- You have to love the inspiration opening music. It makes you think that anything of real importance is going to happen in that arena.

- Normally it always seemed to me that the competitors were extremely nonathletic, but today seems to be the exception. You have a woman with a jaw more cut than mine, a Chippendale's dancer, and a former UCLA football player. Oh, and a waitress. I'm sure she'll have no problem competing.

- Apparently this is some sort of Alumni event for the Gladiators so everyone on the show has won a match before. Because it's a real testament to them to have beaten one average person. People were I'm sure clamoring for their return.

- Is it possible to listen to the names of the gladiators anymore without thinking of the movie Dodgeball?

- I can't believe Larry Csonka is commentating on this show. It's fun looking back nearly20 years and watching people who had been washed up for near 20 years when what you were watching was filmed.

- Apparently when American Gladiator was being filmed their was a nationwide barber strike. I've seen better hair in Danny De Vito's armpit.

- Csonka's eyes don't move off the female's racks at any point while he interviews them.

- I love how American Gladiator was always suppose to be some sort of massive tournament. Can anyone name me a winner? It always just seemed like random people were always just competing to me. I guess that's what syndication does to a game. Imagine the football season this way. USC is the national champs! Tune in next week to see them take on SMU.

- They really need to get steroids to the Gladiators ASAP. There are 4 or 5 guys at the gym I go to as buff as they are. Where is Barry Bonds when you need him?

- A sign of the times. In the audience there can be seen multiple normal looking males wearing pink T-shirts. I would rather die than put one of those on. It's a matter of principle.

- Cardio must not be a big sticking point with the contestants or the gladiators. They are all winded after jousting with each other for 30 seconds. Whats the next event? The Mile Jog. Finish under 20 minutes and get 10 points. Finish period and you get 5. This will be a tough one.

- You gotta love a show where the one black person is given the name Blaze. Stereotyping is wrong. But funny. R.I.P Dave Chappelle (what he's not dead? he must have just made himself irrelevant somehow...)

- There is no excuse for a gladiator losing at Joust. They only have superior physical skills and all day to practice. It's like Jordan getting beaten one-on-one by Rick, the guy who's 10th in scoring in your YMCA league.

- Powerball, the game that proves why all of the men Gladiators are not professional football players. Why they thought that taking extremely muscular body builders and forcing them to work in space while displaying their lackluster tackling skills is beyond me. There is no excuse for anyone scoring in that game. Even Deion Sanders is more physical than these guys. The women hit better than they do.

- It must be another sign of the times. The women seem to be wearing full body suits during the entire competition. Apparently they did not want any of their 10 year old fans reaching puberty while watching their show. I think Season 5 was the Islamic Fundamentalist Edition. Less Skin than Lohan Sober Nights!

- I always remembered The Wall as being one of the coolest events. It always had a very epic feel to it. Today I may have to call into question that memory. Both of the gladiators were able to pull the competitors down with setting foot on the wall. One guy fell on his own. The other, the gladiators simply jumped and grabbed his foot. How lame.

- Hang Tough. One of the best events ever. It has a strict time limit to get across so all of the contestant and gladiator are forced to confront each other. Trying to get around the gladiator takes too long and is near impossible so you know you are going to see some action. Too bad body builders don't spend more time actually being athletic, then this would be even more fun.

- What the hell!? Remember on the line above where I said Hang Tough forces the action? Well, one of the chicks just climbed straight across while the gladiator was stuck momentumless hanging off to the side. Now that's good TV.

- I'm glad to see everyone came to play today though considering Mr. Strip is up 20 points on UCLA and the blue woman (with a jaw like Clint Eastwood) is up 20 points on another woman who can only be described as a midget.

- I wonder what kind of royalties the Gladiators get on these reruns. There has to be only like 3 people including me watching this at 1 A.M. on ESPN Classic. Maybe they just send them a commemorative key chain or something every year. I'll have to look into that.

- Atlas Sphere is normally a pretty entertaining game. 4 people rolling around in hamster balls has to make for good TV. That is unless one of the gladiators spends 3/4's of the match pinning one of the competitors up against the wall so that he can't move at all. Apparently this was Turbo's first go at the game. I'm sure they told him to stop. The game shouldn't be fixed, but come on. It's TV. You gotta entertain.

- Turbo (who is sporting two ear rings in the same ear) just told Larry Csonka that he can be his first big fan. At least that's what I think he said. He rambled on about Csonka giving away football pads or something then smiled while Larry tried to recall all the racks he spend the last 40 minute staring at.

- You know, maybe it's just the 2 A.M. talking, but Lace and Diamond don't look so bad.

- I always hated the shooting game where you run for cover while a gladiator shoots tennis balls at the contestant. It just seems sort of dumb to force people to test their luck trying to win based on shooting air propelled weapon's they have never fired before under stress. Plus they always like to pretend like the Tennis balls are going to cause serious damage. If that was the case, every pro tennis player in the world would be dead.

- The entire show I think simply makes me happy because it reminds me of all the things you wish you could do as a kid. Doing that stuff would be great right now, but if I was 10 or 11, it would be heaven. I demand they reform American Gladiators and make me A) A Gladiator by the name of Super King (thanks Futurama) or B) Larry Csonka.

- It's time for the finish. The eliminator. They always seem to randomly switch how many points you get per second of victory and whether both competitors start at the same time. When they start simultaneously, I think it kills the drama because you have no sense of the time really. It should be whoever crosses the finish line first wins the match. That's drama.

- Since Mrs. Skullcrusher and Mr. Naked for Fat Old Ladies are both up about 25 points this is a mere formality, but it's worth watching anyway just to see if I remember the whole thing right.

- In hindsight, The Eliminator is sort of lame. There is nothing particularly difficult about it. If a cargo net is your biggest challenge you've got a problem. They couldn't have added more reverse treadmills, more climbs, or even some monkey bars to the event. Give me a break. My grandma could complete this thing in less than a minute.

- Funniest part of the show. Watching the midget chick struggle to get back onto the course as she falls off twice. I'm really surprised she was able to at all. Between this and falling of her own accord on Hang Tough she really represented well for all the waitresses of this fine nation.

- And with some final pandering you did good, I did good, we all did good interviews the show is over. I can't wait til 8 A.M. when we can all do it again.

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