Darko Signs with Grizzlies

The Memphis Grizzlies just signed Darko Milicic to a 3 year $21 Million Dollar contract. This is not the kind of obvious story normally reported here, but since last week featured a column on Darko and this just occurred tonight I figured it was valuable need to know info. A front line of Rudy Gay,Pau Gasol, and Darko Milicic should be pretty formidable over the next few years if Darko can develop into at least a 15 PER player that I know he is at the minimum. I wonder how moving west will effect Darko's game though since the west is better than the east in every conceivable way meaning Darko will have to pick up his game just to match his results from last year. There are a hundred other issues to discuss concerning this signing, but there is no time now. Ma be more later, possibly tomorrow or the next day.

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